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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
RIBROWS +stripes 25
stripes 6
RIDDHI +stripes 19
RIDEN +stripes 35
RIGGAS +stripes & arrow 25
RIGHT TURN +stripes 25
RIKI +stripes 30
stripes 25
RING TONE +stripes & square 9
RINZAI +stripes 24
RIO +stripes 16
RIO +stripes & arrows 37
RIO MENTHOL +stripes 34
RISHA +triangles & stripes 3
RISHANG +star & stripes 11
RISHTEY WALE.COM +stripes 45
RISKURRENT +stripes 42
RITU KUMAR LABEL +stripes 3, 9, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 41, 42
RITU KUMAR label +stripes 24, 25, 35
RIVERDALE +stripes 11
RIVID decor glass +stripes 19
RIVVOJJO +stripes & squares 25
RK MOBILE +stripes & drops 38
RK VENUS +stripes & square 9
RK mobile +drops & stripes 9
RK-7 jeans +squares stripes 25
RL +square & stripes 25
RLVC +stripes 35
RMAN +arrow & stripes 7, 8
RME +stripes 7
RNC +stripes & triangle 14, 35
ROAD DESIGNER +stripes 42
ROC +stripes 10
ROCK 7 +stripes 12
ROCKFOURCE +stripes 7
ROCKSPORTS +stripes triangl 25
ROGER +stripes 5
ROMAN +stars ribbon stripes 34
ROMIT +stripes 30
RON rich +stripes 30
ROSARTO +stripes & squares 35
ROSETTA +stripes 27
ROTEX +stripes & oval 9
ROTHMANS +stripes 3, 8, 9, 14, 34
ROTO AQUA +stripes 20
ROTOMAG solar +stripes 7
ROUNDKILL +stripes 5
ROXY +stripes 7
ROYAL PINE +arcs & stripes 32
ROYAL grass +stripes square 27
ROYALE BLACK +stripes 1
ROYALFAB +sun & stripes 24
ROYALS CART +cart & stripes 14
ROZZANA +stripes 25
RPI +stripes 6
RPL +stripes & squares 16
RS +square & stripes 9
RSC +stripes 25
RSG +globe stripes & arrow 36
RT COLOUR ART +stripes 24
RTEX +stripes 24
RUCHIKA +stripes 3
RUDRA +eye & stripes 41
RUDRA +men & stripes 36
stripes 24
RUDRADHAM +arcs & stripes 37
RUDRAM textile +stripes 25
RULEX +stripes 14
RUNGTA +leaf stripes square 24
RUSTOMJEE +stripes 30
RV +stripes 21
RV plywood +stripes 19
RVA +stripes 9
RVR +star & stripes 12
S +stripes 6, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 35, 41
S +stripes & square 1, 4, 42
S +circle & stripes 3, 5, 30
S +globe & stripes 36
S +oval & stripes 5, 9
S +square circle & stripes 7
S +triangle & stripes 42
S DUBLIN eyewear +stripes 9
S SAGGO +arrows & stripes 25
S SAMRUDDHI +stripes 37, 42
S SANDEN +stripes 11
S SANSUI +stripes 12
S SARAN SPORTS +stripes 41
S SAUMAYA +oval & stripes 11
S SCHUTTER india +stripes 39, 42
S SCOIN +stripes 35
S SE BLADES +stripes 7, 11
S SE blades +stripes 37
S SE electricals +stripes 37, 39, 42
S SHIVPURUSH +stripes 37
S SHUBH DECOR +stripes 35
S SIDDHA +stripes 36, 37
S SIMEC +square & stripes 9
S SINWA +stripes 39
S SOYA GOLD +stripes square 3
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